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ACRGVM00060.jpg.jpgRecruitment Office to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas sends applications of Remadan Volionitaki of Arif, as Hiehou Teke of Halvetidon asking for the excuse of Housein Omerohousakis of Mehmet Pout Nakibe and Riotian Risvanaki(?) of Ivrahim Rehber.-1918-01-10
ACRGVM00057.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas sends some applications for excuse from the Army and asks for a confirmation that Tsitsekakis Izet and Hojakis Ismail had been appointed at the place of some other employees.-1918-01-10
ACRGVM00054.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas asks him to send a detailed, exact, real list of the employees who are reaally necessary for the service of the Muslim Reigious Foundations.-1918-01-18
To the Rethimis Prefect. The Mouftides have to present the certificates of the Greek Muslim citizens who have also Turkish Citizenship and therefore are execused from the Army according to the Athens Treaty.-1916-01-18
To the President of the Crete Office of Recruitment. Rethimnis Mouftis, answering to the Document 1882 of sends a list of the Muslim Religious servants in his periphery that are necessary for the Religious worship in mosques and tekes.-1917-03-19
ACRGVM00077.jpg.jpgTowards the Office of Recruitment, Department of Rethimnis: certificate concerning the religious servant Javit Perissaki of Ivraim.-1922-10-20
ACRGVM00058.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas asks if Lagoudakis Ivraim of Mouhtar is mouezinis at the teke and if there is another Lagoudakis Alis appointed as Rehber.-1918-01-10
ACRGVM00055.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas sends the application of Hajihaniotaki Ferit of Mehmet to be excused from the Army and asks if the title of the Mouezini is for a lifetime.-1918-01-17
ACRGVM00048.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. The Mouftis is asked to provide a certificate with the exact day of the appointment and the title of Oustazade Mehmet of Ali.-1918-04-10
ACRGVM00042.jpg.jpgTo Rethimnis Mouftis. M. Varnavas from the Crete Office of Recruitment asks if Tokakis Sakkin of Haider had been appointed Mouezinis at the Teke of Kadridon Ans Halvedidon.-1918-06-05
ACRGVM00031.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question, informs the Office of Recruitment that Volioitakis Remadan of Arif and Houroudakis Osman of Housein have not established teke he also states that the Holy Court has nothing to do with tekedes.-1918-08-07
ACRGVM00027.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question by the Office of Recruitment, states that Ivraim Lagoudakis of Muhtar is mouezinis at the Teke of Muhtar.-1918-01-16
ACRGVM00025.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question by the Office of Recruitment, states that the Religious servants at the tekedes are appointed by the Hiehides.-1918-01-16
The Office of Recruitment asks Rethimnis Mouftis for information about somebody (?)-1918-01-25
ACRGVM00021.jpg.jpgThe office asks to Rethimnis Mouftis for information about the duties of Remadan Volionitaki.-1918-01-27
ACRGVM00012.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis informs the Office of Recruitment that Hiehis of Kandridon and Halvetidon gave to him (in Turkish) the names of the people working in the Religious Foundation.-1918-06-07
Rethimnis Administration of the Muslim Foundations. Towards the Crete Office of Recruitment: shipment of a list with all religious servants of Rethimnis (detailed list).-1921-11-20; 1921-11-27
ACRGVM00072.jpg.jpgAtina Harbiye Nezareti'nin emri üzerine cemaat-i İslamiye'nin efrad-ı zükuru, mezheb ve yaşlarını belirten Nahiye Dairesi'nden ve Mahkeme-i Şeriyye'den birer kıta şehadetname ahz etmekte olduğu hususunda Laşid Müftüsü Ahmed Asım'ın yazısı.-1916-03-14
ACRGVM00065.jpg.jpgMescidlerde hizmet eden hatip, müderris, vaiz ve müezzinlerin isimleri ve hangi askeri sınıfa dahil bulunduklarına dair bir listenin tanzim ve irsaline dair alınan Resmo İhtiyar Meclisi Riyaset-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen karar.-1921-07-26; 1921-07-28
ACRGVM00056.jpg.jpgThe Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas asks for a name list of the Hiehides and all the other employees at the Religious Muslim Foundations.-1918-01-11
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