Near East Relief, Charles V. Vickery, 1920. Near East Relief, H.C. Jaquith/White, 1920-1923 [this folder is not present in this envelope, see EI (Envelope) 021 221.2]
Dublin Core AlanıDeğerDil
dc.provenanceAmerikan Bord Heyeti, İstanbul - American Board, Istanbul
dc.contributorAmerican National Red Cross
dc.contributorAnatolia College
dc.contributorArnold, Davis G. Barton, James L.
dc.contributorConstantinople College for Girls
dc.contributorFowle, Luther R.
dc.contributorKerr, Stanley E.
dc.contributorKreider, Herman H.
dc.contributorLeague of Nations
dc.contributorMacCallum, Frederick W.
dc.contributorNear East Relief (Organization)
dc.contributorPeet, William W.
dc.contributorScribner's Magazine
dc.contributorVickery, Charles V.
dc.contributorWhite, George D.
dc.coverage.spatialConstantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
dc.coverage.spatialMarash (Maraş, Turkey)
dc.coverage.spatialNew York (N.Y.)
dc.creatorAmerikan Bord Heyeti (American Board)
dc.descriptionPrimarily includes correspondence between Luther R. Fowle and Charles Vickery, General Secretary of the Near East Relief (NER) in New York (N.Y.). A few letters concerns NER and other funding for the Constantinople College for Girls; Stanley E. Kerr requests NER workers for the Marash station; Vickery congratulates George D. White for Anatolia College work; Fowle suggests requesting that the Red Cross help Russian and Greek people fleeing Bolshevism in Constantinople; NER workers wearing United States military uniforms for protection; list of NER Board of Trustees; minutes of the NER Executive Committee (1920 Feb 19); inventory forms; congratulations to William W. Peet on becoming a representative to the League of Nations. Includes a NER audit (1919 Dec) by auditors Hurdman and Cranstoun. Letter, 1921 Sep 24-26, Fowle or Peet to Vickery, includes descriptions of tracts of land that could be purchased by the NER for "orphanage farms." Letter, 1920 Jan 30, Vickery to F.W. MacCallum, including a report by James L. Barton (1919), outlines the future management of the Constantinople NER office covering four areas (Asia Minor, Syria, Caucasus, Persia) after the departure of Major Davis G. Arnold and cost estimates. Letter, 1920 Mar 12, Vickery to Peet, and a long descriptive response to Scribner’s Magazine after publishing an article on the NER.
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.subjectInternational relief
dc.titleNear East Relief, Charles V. Vickery, 1920. Near East Relief, H.C. Jaquith/White, 1920-1923 [this folder is not present in this envelope, see EI (Envelope) 021 221.2]
dc.typeYazışma - Correspondence
dc.locationSALT Research
dc.catalogedbyARIT & SALT Research staff
dc.format.numberofpagesca. 76
dcterms.accrualMethodOn deposit at SALT Research from UCC and ARIT
dc.rights.holderUnited Church of Christ (UCC), American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT), SALT Research
KoleksiyonlarNear East Relief
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