A wide assortment of portrait photographs of people from the late Ottoman period are included in this collection. Ranging from the members of the Imperial family, religious figures, ambassadors, and civil servants to street vendors and beggars, this collection offers a cross section from late Ottoman society with its varying physiognomies, attires and body language.

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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
İsmail GalibPhoto. P. Sébah1884-11-02
InconnuPhoto. M.J. Papazian Frères-
APO00257.jpg.jpgEmine Naciye. Mehmed Kamil [Killigil]--
APO00222.jpg.jpgAbdul Hamid--
Werther, le Baron Charles de, ambassadeur d'Allemagne près de la Sublime Porte-1874-11-28
APO00129.jpg.jpgYeni Hariciye Nazırı Enver Paşa, ordunun imame-i teceddüdü-1914-01-28
APO00043.jpg.jpgEmin Efendi (Gürcü Hacı) - Gudji Hadji Emin Effendi, ex-grand juge de Smyrne, théologien érudit, dernièrement décédé.-1910-08-28
APO00391.jpg.jpgİrfan Rıza Bey. Osmanlı Maliye Nezareti Müsteşari. Mecidi nişan ve şemsesi, Nişan-ı Osmanı, Nişan-ı Osmani Şemsesi, Büyük İmtiyaz, Hilal-i Ahmer, Donanma-i Muavenet Cemiyeti ve Harp Madalyaları ile.--
APO00225.jpg.jpgFrère Nob de la croix qui a fêté son cinquantenaire de séjour à Constantinople au College Ste.Joseph Novembre 1860-7 Mai 1911-1905-05-09
Djelal Pasha, cousin Kerime, big aunt, Selma Ekrem and her sister and brother. The house of Selma Ekrem's grandfather where she spent much of her childhood.--
APO00191.jpg.jpgOsman Hamdi Bey İngiltere'de Oxford Üniversitesi'nde kendisine fahri doktorluk payesi verildikten sonra.-1909-10-07
APO00183.jpg.jpgLahitler Müzesi'ne ilave olunan ikinci kısım inşa halinde.--
APO00176.jpg.jpgHamdi Bey Hariciye umuru ecnebiye katibi iken.-1876
APO00134.jpg.jpgAbdulmecid Efendi, Şehzade-1914-03-28
APO00114.jpg.jpgFaik Ali Bey, Yeni Beyoğlu Mutasarrıfı-1913-04-28
APO00112.jpg.jpgOskan Efendi, Posta ve Telgraf Nazırı-1913-03-28
APO00079.jpg.jpgNail Bey, Maliye Nazırı-1911-10-28
APO00072.jpg.jpgCelal Bey, Dahiliye Nazırı-1911-10-28
Derviche Hurleur. Salut de Constantinople-1903-02-05
APO00374.jpg.jpgAlfred Krüpp-1812-04-26; 1887-07-14
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