A wide assortment of portrait photographs of people from the late Ottoman period are included in this collection. Ranging from the members of the Imperial family, religious figures, ambassadors, and civil servants to street vendors and beggars, this collection offers a cross section from late Ottoman society with its varying physiognomies, attires and body language.

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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
APO00100.jpg.jpgMahmud Şevket Paşa, Sadrazam ve Hariciye Nazırı-1913-02-14
APO00051.jpg.jpgKemaleddin Effendi - Sultan Abdulhamid'in dördüncü şehzadesi-1910-11-14
APO00034.jpg.jpgNail Bey, Maarif-i Umumiye Nazırı - Nail Bey. Ministre de l'instruction publique.-1909-11-28
APO00020.jpg.jpgOrmanyan Efendi, İstanbul Ermeni Patriki Sabıkı - Ormanian Effendi, ex-Patriarche Arménien à Constantinople-1909-06-14
APO00411.jpg.jpgBağdad Valisi Cemal Bey.-1912-06-28
APO00380.jpg.jpgAchmed Rıza Bey - Ahmed Rıza Beyefendi--
Mehmed Reşad. Kaiser Wilhelm II. Enver Pasha--
APO00259.jpg.jpgEmine Naciye. Nuri [Killigil]--
APO00258.jpg.jpgEmine Naciye. Mehmed Kamil--
APO00232.jpg.jpgAhmed-Ayşe DilaraPhoto. Sébah & Joaillier-
Kemal Pacha, ministre des Fondations pieuses de I' Empire ottoman - Evkaf Nazırı Kemal Paşa Hazretleri-1874-05-16
APO00123.jpg.jpgHalid Ziya-1913-09-14
APO00122.jpg.jpgAhmed Cemal-1913-09-14
APO00086.jpg.jpgKamil Paşa, ahiren Mısır'dan avdet eden sadr-ı esbak-1912-03-14
APO00080.jpg.jpgSaid Paşa, Sadrazam-1911-10-28
APO00015.jpg.jpgSelahaddin Efendi, Sultan Murad V. Mahdumu - Salah-ud-din Effendi, fils du Sultan Mourad V.-1909-04-28
APO00412.jpg.jpgBağdad Mebusu Babanzade İsmail Hakkı Bey.-1910-09-28
Ali Vehbi Türküstün'ün Koleksiyonu'ndan. İsmail Yahya Bey'in Tevfik Bey biraderine göndermiş olduğu resmi. [19 Eylül 1328]Photo. N. Andriomeno1912-10-02
APO00375.jpg.jpgAlfred Krüpp--
APO00373.jpg.jpgLes artistes et les savants Arméniens - Arvesdakedner yev kidunner: Gara-murza (1854-1902), Bedros Atamyan (1849-1891), Tovmas Fasulyeciyan (?-1901), Garabed Amira Balyan (?-15.11.1866), Hovhannes Ayvazovski (1817-1900), Nigiğos Balyan (1826-1858)--
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