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Erzen Shkololli
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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
PG061.jpg.jpgErzen Shkololli, "Hey Avrupa", "Spekülasyonlar", Platform GSM, 2002 - Erzen Shkololli, "Hey Europe", "Speculations", Platform CAC, 2002Erzen Shkololli2002
"Glory & Drama" (Gallery Exit, Kosova, 2006), sergi broşürü- "Glory & Drama" (Gallery Exit, Kosova, 2006), exhibition flyer-2006-10-06; 2006-10-30
"Glory&Drama" (Kosova, 2005), sergi girişi - "Glory&Drama" (Kosovo, 2005), exhibition entrance-2005-10-06; 2005-10-30
PG083.pdf.jpgI am the sexiest man in JamaicaErden Kosova2002
"In Den Schluchten Des Balkan" (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Almanya, 2003) sergi broşürü - "In the Gorges of the Balkan"(Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Germany, 2003) exhibition brochure-2003-08-30; 2003-11-23
KARW1412.jpg.jpg"In Search of Balkania" (Neue Galeri, Graz, Avusturya, 2002) sergi metni - "In Search of Balkania" (Neue Gallery, Graz, Austria, 2002) exhibition text-2002-10-03; 2002-12-01
"In the Gorges of the Balkans" (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Almanya, 2003) sergi broşürü - "In the Gorges of the Balkans" (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Germany, 2003) exhibition brochure-2003-08-30; 2003-11-23
PG084.pdf.jpgJamaika'nın en seksi erkeği benimErden Kosova2002
PG086.pdf.jpgPlatform GSM'nin Yönetmeni Vasıf Kortun'un Erden Kosova'ya yolladığı "Spekülasyonlar" sergisi için davet - Invitation sent from Vasıf Kortun (Director of Platform CAC) to Erden Kosova for "Speculations" exhibition-2002
PG082.pdf.jpg"Spekülasyonlar" (Platform GSM, 2002), basın bülteni - "Speculations" (Platform CAC, 2002), press release-2002-11-06; 2002-12-10
PG060.pdf.jpg"Spekülasyonlar" (Platform GSM, 2002), basın bülteni - "Speculations" (Platform CAC, 2002), press release-2002-11-06; 2002-12-10
PG085.pdf.jpg"Spekülasyonlar" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2002) için künye ve metinler - Captions and texts for "Speculations" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2002)-2002
"Spekülasyonlar" sergisi sırasında Platform'un girişinden görünüm - View from Platform's entrance during "Speculations" exhibition-2002
PG063.jpg.jpg"Spekülasyonlar", Platform GSM, 2002 - "Speculations", Platform CAC, 2002-2002
Spekülasyonlar, Platform Garanti Güncel Sanat Merkezi, İstanbul-2002-11-06; 2002-12-10
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